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Gary Gary is offline
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Default **** Time Change ****

Bruce wrote:
> I can't wait until daylight saving ends here. It'll get light an hour
> earlier. I don't care what happens in the evening.

I get up at 4:30am every day. Including this morning when it was
3:30am yesterday. Now it will be darker for a while but I don't
care. I also don't care when it gets dark in the evening either.

I do all my things early morning, dark or light. I think this
semi-annual time change is so stupid.

Too late now but next fall, instead of putting clocks forward an
hour....why not just set them one half hour ahead and leave time
alone from then on. A half hour on each end is so significant.
People are idiots sometimes. Well, most times actually.

Don't forget...the dinosaurs ruled this planet way longer than
humans have. Not even close.