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Gary Gary is offline
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Bruce wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Mar 2019 12:02:06 -0500, Gary > wrote:
> >Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >>
> >> Yes, it is. We avoid shopping on weekends as it gets crowded. Meals
> >> are when we get hungry. Life unstructured!

> >
> >Same here, Ed. I never shop on weekends. Only on weekdays early
> >when stores NEVER get crowded.

> Don't you pick up women in supermarkets? You should go when they're
> more crowded or you'll never get further than ferrets!

Maybe you remember me saying that from years ago. Rather than
being stuck at home in evenings for many years with young
daughter, I would often take her to the beach on my bike, or to
the mall, or just to a grocery store.

Grocery store plan (and it worked well too) was to go grocery
shopping around 7pm on Fridays or Saturdays. Why then? Met many
single unattached women at that time. No dates planned so they
just go grocery shopping to get out of the house....just like me.

Same thing with evenings at the mall and on bike at the beach.

I so loved raising my girl on my own but I didn't want to
sacrifice all my prime years staying home every night. I found
ways to get out and meet people and bring her with me. It was
good times.