Thread: cream in tea
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"magnulus" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Dieter Folz" > wrote in message
> om...
> > With milk of course. If it tastes nice, I do it. So, always with
> > Assam, sometimes with Keemun ... and with all those grocery store
> > stuff (PG Tips, which I kinda like from time to time, don't know why),
> > as well as all barely drinkable teas.
> >

> What is Assam and Keemum- I assume you live in Germany?

I live in NY, and can get Assams and Keemuns pretty easily. They aren't
usually found in supermarkets though- your local tea dealer will have them.
You can also track down plenty of teasellers on the internet.
> Here in the US tea is often "black pekoe". Some of it is drinkable-
> Lipton hot is not bad stuff, but Red Rose is not a good hot tea brand (it
> tastes sourish and stale), although it's popular in the South US for iced
> tea with sugar and lemon. Twinings and Bigalo English teas are sometimes
> available too. I have found Jackson English tea to be good and it is
> available at some stores. For black tea I like Earl Grey and Irish
> Breakfast, occasionally I like Lapsong Soochong.
> And also green tea is becomming more popular. You can buy it in stores,
> but the quality is not as great as what one can get from specialty stores

> online. I usually preffer Longjing or a cheap Ceylon green. Most of my

> drinking is green tea.
> Whole leaf tea is the best way to make the stuff, but hasn't caught on

> supermarkets in the US yet. We have more whole bean coffees, but the

> hasn't happened for tea yet.