On Thu, 21 Mar 2019 22:20:17 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 3/21/2019 10:45 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 3/21/2019 10:07 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Thursday, March 21, 2019 at 9:26:34 AM UTC-4, GM wrote:
>>>> https://fee.org/articles/america-fin...-doesn-t-work/
>>>> America Finally Admits Recycling Doesn’t Work
>>> They're not wrong.* Perhaps we could just use less damned stuff,
>>> especially disposable stuff.
>> Beaufort County, SC recently, and so far successfully banned stores from
>> offering plastic bags.* If you don't bring your own cloth bags, stores
>> offer paper bags.* I now have a collection of paper bags.* The ones from
>> Publix Supermarket are quite nice: sturdy, foldable and with handles.* I
>> do re-use them.
>> Jill
>Paper bags are a fallacy too. In landfills they do not disappear like
>people think, though they can be recycled, same as plastic. Reusable is
>still the best idea.
>Trash to energy plants are becoming more common too. Trash can be
>burned cleaner than coal and instead of digging a hole to hold the
>trash, get the energy from it to fuel Kuthe's car. Most plastics
>contain about 18,000 BTU per pound. Newspaper is 8,000 BTU per
>pound.Even coffee grounds have 10,000 BTU to burn
>Many companies have reduced packaging, but it still has a long way to
>go. Especially fancy products like high end cosmetics that depends on
>fancy packaging to sell the cheap ingredients inside. Some years go a
>customer gave us a package design to quote for a car radio and speaker
>system. We gave them a price, but also gave them a design idea that
>would save them 20%. Nope, they wanted the bigger package to put some
>eye catching graphics when sitting on the shelf at the auto supply store.
In my community we save in a separate bag all of our plastic. The
plastic is recycled into diesel fuel. My landfill captures the gas
produced by the garbage and uses it as fuel for themselves and also
sells the gas. Not a total solution. My hometown always used to burn
what the garbage trucks collected I have never understood why it was
a good idea to bury it instead.