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OT! I live in a 21st Century Taylor Camp!!
John Kuthe wrote:
> On Friday, March 22, 2019 at 7:01:49 PM UTC-5, Janet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> I want NO PART of the lonely lives in which you live!!
>>> I'm HAPPY to BE A PART OF A COMMUNITY!! UMSL, International Students, etc!!!
>> Getting a bit overcrowded isn't it? You said the other day you're
>> housing yourself and five others. Six.
>> But your occupancy permit is only four, yourself and three renters.
>> No wonder the tax department wrote to arrange another inspection.
>> Here you are, last June
>> "The financial/title part of the house purchase was completed on Oct 31,
>> 2017 for $108,000 cash. But getting the all hallowed Occupancy Permit
>> took quite a bit longer and I got that May 2018 and paid $100 for a
>> police TICKET I got for "Not having a valid occupancy permit"! So now
>> I'm set! Real Estate sale and transfer of ownership complete!
>> Bel Nor MO just wants MONEY! I understand. Money I have, I want
>> security! And I've got it!! I own my home outright and it's a 4 bedroom
>> house meaning I can have up to three unrelated renters! Right now I have
>> only one on file with Bel Nor and I'm looking for more renters which
>> means I will have to have ANOTHER Occupancy Permit Inspection and all my
>> legal renters will have to go up to Bel Nor City Hall and let them make
>> a photocopy of their ID to keep in a file in Bel Nor City Hall!"
>> Janet UK
> Bel Nor is a 5min walk from UMSL North Campus!!!
> Damn right BelNor wants the MONEY!! Bel Nor has an aging predominantly white and black population, the WHITE SUPREMACISTS want to keep Bel Nor ALL JUST white and black, while IGNORING the burgeoning International Student population very nearby! Education is stupidly EXPENSIVE so these International Students EVIDENTLY HAVE MONEY, but they don't want to them to live in Bel Nor houses!! That is BULLSHIT!!
> So after 30 years of shared student living in moves John Kuthe with 30 years of shared student living experience!! And a father who just died and left him a sizeable INHERITANCE! And wants to BUY one old dilapidated Bel Nor HOME and FIX IT UP!! Unlike the MONEY from China who bought this place on FORECLOSURE in 2008! And China just wanted to run rental students through as many bedrooms worth of renting they could WITHOUT fixing this place up at all!! I wanted to FIX THIS PLACE and make it NICE which I did!
> I INVESTED in Bel Nor Real Estate!! Made that real estate BETTER!! But because of Bel Nor's archaic LAWS they screwed me OUT of one bedroom on the second floor because they said NOT enough of the CEILING was over 8 feet! THIS HOUSE WAS NOT DESIGNED OR BUILT THAT WAY IN 1930! But it was MODIFIED BY CHINA to have TWO NEW first floor bedrooms out of "single family" living space on the first floor! Living room as wide as the house and a formal dining room, both of which were modified BY CHINA to be additional bedrooms! But Bel Nor does not want to recognize them all as "bedrooms" because Bel Nor like everyone is AFRAID OF NECESSARY CHANGES!!
> Just like PEOPLE DO NOT WANT TO GIVE UP PETROLEUM as our Main Source of POWER!!
> Oh WHAAAA!!!
> Well, WE HAVE TO CHANGE!! We may not WANT TO BUT WE HAVE TO!! Mother Gaia SAID SO!! Else She WILL EXTINCT US and it will NOT BE PRETTY!
> You want THAT on your Souls? It's COMING!! :-(
> John Kuthe, Climate Activist, Eschewer of PETROLEUM!!
Yoose just need to get Popeye to move in. He'll straighten out those
gov't nabobs in bel noir.
And, he'll bring his big ole pee pee to keep them brown gals happy!