Remeber Banquet Fried Chicken?
Sqwertz wrote:
> Are there any Banquet product left out there worth trying? I had a
> $.25 pot pie last week (on clearance, half prce). Just as horrible
> and cheap as I remember, just only half the size.
Nonsense. Fix them up a bit. Use the turkey ones (more flavor)
In a deep bowl, put 1/2 cup corn (or your favorite veg), 1/3 cup
water, then the turkey pot pie. Put lid on bowl and microwave
(700 watts) for 3:33. Chop and stir all then microwave for
another 2:22 or until very hot. Serve with buttered bread or
rolls. yum
Decent meal in a pinch. Quit bitching about cheap and easy meals.
This one should make you happy enough.