Remeber Banquet Fried Chicken?
On Saturday, March 23, 2019 at 11:34:43 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
> >
> > Are there any Banquet product left out there worth trying? I had a
> > $.25 pot pie last week (on clearance, half prce). Just as horrible
> > and cheap as I remember, just only half the size.
> Nonsense. Fix them up a bit. Use the turkey ones (more flavor)
> In a deep bowl, put 1/2 cup corn (or your favorite veg), 1/3 cup
> water, then the turkey pot pie. Put lid on bowl and microwave
> (700 watts) for 3:33. Chop and stir all then microwave for
> another 2:22 or until very hot. Serve with buttered bread or
> rolls. yum
> Decent meal in a pinch. Quit bitching about cheap and easy meals.
> This one should make you happy enough.
Too carby with buttered bread or rolls. Too much fat anyway. Only
10 grams of protein for 320 calories. Not worth it for me. A
skinless, boneless chicken breast gives 54 grams of protein for
284 calories, and there are plenty of ways to dress it up.
Cindy Hamilton