Remeber Banquet Fried Chicken?
On Monday, March 25, 2019 at 12:58:31 AM UTC-4, Julie Bove wrote:
> "cshenk" > wrote in message
> ...
> Hard strain? That's a new one. There are over 300 types if diabetes but in
> most cases, it makes no sense to try to ferret out the exact type as there
> are only a few treatments available. There is no such thing as a strain of
> diabetes.
> I have *never* heard of what you said in relation to diabetes. Never!
> What I *do* have is gastroparesis. That's delayed stomach emptying caused by
> paralysis to the vagus nerve. Can be caused by a variety of things but
> diabetes and celiac are the two most common causes.
> What that means for me is that I have to watch my intake of fiber. Things
> like big salads are no longer safe for me to eat. White bread and white rice
> are easier for me to digest than whole wheat stuff. And many cuts of meat
> are out, plus too much fat. It's not a one size fits all. I have no problems
> with beans. Others with this condition might. What I eat also depends on how
> well I am digesting that day. Sometimes a small amount of roast beef is
> fine. Other times not.
i have diabetes 2, and gastroparesis as well. gastroparesis is bad news. i once again started to eat large salads, and had to stop. small salads aren't as bad. i usually use boston lettuce or spring greens with some green onions and pumpkin seeds. peanut butter is extremely difficult to digest. for fiber i find that cooked veggies are not too bad. i also eat a serving of steel cut oats with raw honey every day. i try to keep my diet simple and very similar from day to day. it's not boring. for breakfast a slice of toast spread with butter, 1/2 avocado and a boiled egg. lunch usually 5 - 6 oz. meat, usually a goulash which i really like. etc. i have to stay away from too many nuts.