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Default Trials & Tribulations of Ms MALAdY LADY was:Banquet Fried Chicken?

OSheldon wrote:

> On Sun, 24 Mar 2019 Julie Bove wrote:
> >
> >Hard strain? That's a new one. There are over 300 types if diabetes but in
> >most cases, it makes no sense to try to ferret out the exact type as there
> >are only a few treatments available. There is no such thing as a strain of
> >diabetes.
> >
> >I have *never* heard of what you said in relation to diabetes. Never!
> >
> >What I *do* have is gastroparesis. That's delayed stomach emptying caused by
> >paralysis to the vagus nerve. Can be caused by a variety of things but
> >diabetes and celiac are the two most common causes.
> >
> >What that means for me is that I have to watch my intake of fiber. Things
> >like big salads are no longer safe for me to eat. White bread and white rice
> >are easier for me to digest than whole wheat stuff. And many cuts of meat
> >are out, plus too much fat. It's not a one size fits all. I have no problems
> >with beans. Others with this condition might. What I eat also depends on how
> >well I am digesting that day. Sometimes a small amount of roast beef is
> >fine. Other times not.
> >
> >In a nutshell, what happens if the food doesn't pass through like it should,
> >it sits in the stomach until it ferments, then it swims back upstream. Or in
> >severe cases, a bezoar will form. That's a food ball. Much like a hairball
> >in a cat. If that occurs, it has to be surgically removed. So... I do all
> >that I can so that I don't get one of those.
> >
> >I also have food intolerances. Those can change. This is why I sometimes
> >have to avoid dairy, rye and other things. Currently only eggs. Again this
> >is not a one size fits all thing. There are three types of
> >allergy/intolerance mediated issues. IgG (what I have), IgE (life
> >threatening allergy) and IgA (non life threatening allergy). There is also
> >such a thing as OAS (oral allergy syndrome). I have that as well. Only
> >current culprit is pistachios. I actually have't tried a pistachio recently
> >to see what it does to me.
> >
> >With OAS, the body mistakes food for pollen. A person with this condition
> >might be able to eat something like a cooked apple but not a raw one. And it
> >may be seasonal. This link explains it better.
> >
> >I know what butter beans are. I have never seen anywhere that they are any
> >better for diabetics than other beans. I see no reason why they would be..
> >And there has been much debate on this NG about the difference or lack
> >thereof of butter beans vs. lima. A lot depends on what part of the country
> >you are in as to what you call them.

> More adventures of Ms MALADY LADY coming soon.

LOL..."As The Bove Turns"...she's got more soap drama a - goin' on than in "The Secret Storm"... :


"Her first marriage was to Kip Rysdale, the son of Arthur Rysdale who had married her aunt Pauline Rysdale. Kip had been with a girl named Nina DeFrancisco, the daughter of his Spanish instructor. When she died, the road opened for them to marry. Then she discovered that she was pregnant by her college professor, Paul Britton. She divorced Kip and married Paul, and from this union, they had a daughter, Lisa. Kip eventually went out with a nasty woman named Janet Hill (Bibi Besch), who had become Amy's stepsister, due to her mother, Valerie marrying Peter, Amy's father. In a classic episode from the mid-sixties, Amy and Janet squared off over Kip.

Meanwhile, Amy had been on a boat with Belle Clemmens and her illegitimate daughter, Robin, when there was an accident. Robin died, and Belle, totally furious, intended to make Amy's life miserable, which she did with great glee.

Belle stole Paul Britton from Amy, which sent her into a nervous breakdown. She had been helped by a Dr. Ian Northcote, who had married her stepmother, Valerie Hill Ames. She met a man named Kevin Kincaid, and later on, married him. Conniving Belle had married his father, Dan, after using Paul and throwing him away.

Amy and Kevin divorced, and she was artificially inseminated by a Dr. Brian Neeves. A nurse named Martha Ann Ashley (Audre Johnson), who was a cohort of Belle's told her what was going on, and Belle used this as a blackmailing tactic against Amy to keep her lover stocked in racing cars. However, this backfired in Belle's face when her lover, Robert, began to see her former ward, Joanna Morrison.

Amy gave birth to Danielle, (her child that was artificially inseminated) and found out that Kevin had returned to Woodbridge. He had wanted to divorce Amy in London, (he had been shot and left paralyzed from the waist down) but he was in the middle of the living room in Valerie's house. He attempted to walk to Amy, but missed the mark by a few inches, he fell to the floor.. Amy fell to the floor as well, joined by her daughters Lisa and Danielle. Valerie came into the room and saw the love that her stepdaughter had for her husband, and they never parted again..."
