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Nancy Young
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Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:

> > What's interesting to me is that there is an assumption that if there
> > is a gratuity already added in, the waitstaff will not perform as
> > professionals and do their job. Whenever I've been in that situation,
> > they run around like crazy trying to make sure everyone has their
> > beverage/dinner/whatever. Just because they wait for a living does
> > not make them slackers.

> Yup...the wait folks I know work very hard to earn a living, as do many
> bartenders I know (there are exceptions natcherly...). Physically it's hard
> being on one's feet all day, even if young and hale 'n hearty...and putting
> up with all the crap that a public contact job entails. I couldn't do it.

> This seems to be a general trend...
> OT - ish but there's a little Saturday farmer's market in the school playlot
> around the corner. Sometimes they have a petting zoo/pony rides for the
> kids. When they have the petting zoo they have a "no dogs" rule for the
> farmer's market, as dogs might upset the animals and vv.

Well, that does make sense.

> Well whaddya know
> here comes Mr & Mrs Yuppie with their double - wide stroller and Golden
> Retriever in tow. Ms. Entitlment tries to plead and argue her dog's way in,
> then gets busy on the cell phone calling "the city" (yeah, on Saturday
> morning lol).

Maybe she could call the pope and get a dispensation.

> What a load. And there's a place to tie up yer dog and they
> have water and gratis treats for the pooches, too's not like they're
> casting the dogs adrift or something.

I have a feeling jerks have been around forever.
