Scott Pointe wrote:
> . . . I have a favorite recipe that I'd like to adapt for vegans.
> Uncooked tuna with vinaigrette and avocado. Here is what the basic
> recipe will look like (1 serving).
> One whole avocado
> rice wine vinaigrette
> little pepper
> onions
> This is fairly spartan? I'd really like suggestions for fleshing it
> out, no pun intended, for vegans (myself) and all my classmates at
> University who deserve a splendid oral stimulation. Thanks for
> reading, scott.
Perhaps thin slices of soy cheese (not the Chinese sort, the cheese
replacement sort)?
Smoked tofu?
Roasted red sweet peppers?
Slices of portobello mushrooms?
Toasted corn tortillas (not crisped) or pappadums?