Serious coffee drinkers only please......
On 4/2/2019 9:22 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Apr 2019 20:48:42 -0500, Terry Coombs >
> wrote:
>> Actually , freezing the beans is not a good thing . Every time you pull
>> them out to get some they condense a small amount of moisture . Over
>> time this will degrade the coffee . Now keeping the package sealed is
>> another thing , that keeps the oils from evaporating or oxidizing . When
>> I blend my coffee I do it 400 gm at a time into a Tupperware container .
>> The rest stays in the foil/plastic bag with all the air squeezed out .
>> That Tupper container is opened about every 4th day to refill the
>> grinder hopper .
> Y'all make it way too complicated. We've got a $15 dollar filter
> coffee machine. We use vacuum packed ground coffee from Aldi that we
> freeze until we need it. This makes good coffee that's much better
> than what our Delonghi machine makes with Whoop Dee Do whole beans.
> So much for coffee snobism.
Â* You think I'm a coffee snob ? Shit man , I just like a good cup of
coffee in the morning . I make mine in a 5 cup Mr Coffee drip machine ,
about as basic as it gets . I've just found that fresh ground has a much
better flavor , and it's just not that much trouble . My coffee beans
come from Walmart fer cryin' out loud !
Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !