How to remove stuck cheese?
"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 4/5/2019 12:55 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> I am not the one doing this but someone here likes to eat a lot of Swiss
>> cheese. They put it on their food and nuke it. The cheese gets
>> overcooked, IMO and some of it gets stuck to the bowl/plate/casserole.
>> I use a plastic dish brush to wash my dishes. Sometimes I don't notice
>> the cheese on there, especially if it's a small amount. The cheese welds
>> itself to my brush and then I can't get it off.
>> If I see the cheese, I scrape it off with whatever is handy. Usually a
>> table knife or spoon. Then to be sure, I rinse it with hot water and run
>> a paper towel over it to get anything that's left before I wash it.
>> I guess my question is more about the dish brush. Why does the cheese
>> weld onto there and how can I get it off? I have to keep replacing the
>> brushes. Sometimes I can run them under water and pull the cheese off
>> with a paper towel but this doesn't always work.
>> Help! Thanks!
> You won't appreciate this suggestion at all but you *did* ask. Your issue
> is not really with the dish brush.
> My helpful suggestion: Insist He Who Shall Not be Named (aka "someone
> here" aka The Gardener) immediately scrape the plate and then rinse it
> under hot water (brush if necessary) so the melted cheese won't get dried
> out and stuck to the plate. Then you won't have to worry about crud in
> the dish brush or stuck on cheese on a plate.
I would say that but I can't see it happening,