On Fri, 5 Apr 2019 08:45:02 -0700 (PDT), GM
> wrote:
>Sheldon wrote:
>> https://www.cheatsheet.com/culture/m...-america.html/
>> Worst sin: Laziness (followed by greed)
>> Second place among the most sinful cities in America goes to St.
>> Louis, Missouri. St. Louis is also the only city on the list to count
>> laziness as its biggest fault, according to WalletHub. That category
>> looks at factors such as the share of adults who don’t exercise, the
>> average number of weekly hours worked, the volunteer rate, average
>> daily time spent watching TV, and the high school dropout rate.
>> WalletHub also reports that St. Louis lands in second place for the
>> most violent crimes per capita.
>Yup...the trashy whites - and that includes even most all the middle - income/professional whites - that infest the place are *far* more stupid, witless, ignernt and lazy than most *any* ethnic minority ghetto - dweller...Kuthe is a PERFECT example...!!!
>If John Kuthe showed up in the poorest inner - city nabe in Chicgo he'd be R-U-N right outta town...
>I've visited scores of times, and the term I'd use to describe STL in general is "inbred"...the whites there in general remind me of the lowest - class UK whites who live in council housing, are drunk all the time, and talk in an undecipherable uneducamated patois...
Lots of McDonalds patrons among them, I bet.