On Tue, 09 Apr 2019 Gary wrote:
>> I've had sweet potato pie that tasted just like pumpkin pie.
>That's what I make all the time. It's all about the spice. Fresh
>sweet potatoes are much easier to deal with than fresh pumpkin.
>Taste for the pie is all in the spice that you use.
People use canned yams but most use canned pumpkin which is actually
canned butternut squash. It's near impossible to make decent pumpkin
pie from fresh pumpkin... needs to be slow baked for many hours to get
rid of all the water, and even so it's very stringy.
I grow pumpkin but it's used as Halloween and Thanksgiving decor.
Eventually they go out on my front steps but then the squirrels burrow
into them to eat the seeds, then the deer finish them off. My wife
likes pumpin pie but I don't care for it... she buys a small one from
a bakery. I enjoy carving a pumpkin for a Halloween decoration.
Yesterday we had a canteloupe, all the rinds and seeds went out my
window, three hours later the deer ate it all including the potato
parings from my potatoe, bell pepper, and asparagus 16 egg omelet...
they even eat the core, stem, and seeds fom the peppers
Right now it's POURING... I dug the hole for Peachie just in time.
Soon Kath will bring Jilly to the Vet for her yearly, and will bring
Peachie home. Haing pets is filled with pleasure and grief.