On Mon, 8 Apr 2019 17:34:46 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>On 4/8/2019 3:59 PM, wrote:
>> I don't eat pumpkin because it tastes fairly good, I eat it because it
>> has more alpha carotene than any other food and the amount of it in
>> your body has a lot to do with how long you will live in a way no
>> other nutrient does, for some reason there is no synthetic alpha
>> carotene.
>I think I'd rather die young. One piece of pie a yer is enough for me.
>Other forms are nasty.
Very few pumpkin pies are made with pumpkin, most are made with
butternut squash... canned pumpkin is butternut squash. It's
permitted because botanically they are both varietals of the same
plant. Pumpkins contain way too much water to be used for a pie
filling. Pumpkins are used for Jack O' Lanterns but mostly for
livestock feed. A small herd of deer can clean out a large pumpkin
field. Deer love melons too... I put the rinds and seeds outside my
window and in less sthan 24 hours every bit is gone.