On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 2:14:38 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
> Peach is gone. She hadn't eaten in four days. Vet said her heart was
> barely functioning. Her kidneys were loaded with polyps. Her
> intestines were totally blocked. She had a very good life for 17
> years but it was her time, she was suffering, we put her down. We
> rescued Peach and Blackie from a NYC trash can, they were newborns
> with umbilical cords attached, in a plastic bag.... it was winter,
> freezing cold... some heartless animal threw them away. The nurse
> at my wife's work wrapped them in a heating pad. We nursed them back
> to health. At home Jilly mothered them.
> Peach: https://postimg.cc/hXJV5qGq
Awwwwwww, she was beautiful and sorry she's gone. But you did the right thing
by putting her to sleep and not making her suffer because you couldn't bear to
give her up.