On 2019-04-09 11:27 p.m., Jinx the Minx wrote:
> dsi1 > wrote:
>> On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 11:06:26 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
>>> I guess that's because they use the canned version, as Ed says.
>>> Although you'd think fresh pumpkins last from late October to
>>> Christmas easily.
>> I have made pie out of fresh pumpkins. You think how great it's all going
>> to be and then it turns out watery, stringy, and just plain weird. I
>> would never try that again.
>> Fresh pumpkins don't last very long - probably because we like to cut
>> holes in them for Halloween.
> Carving pumpkins arent pie pumpkins.
I used a small pumpkin, the type that is supposed to be used for pie. It
was wet and stringy. It tasted great, but that texture was off putting
for my wife.