On Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 9:35:30 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 12:31:09 -0700 (PDT), dsi1
> > wrote:
> >On Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 3:39:03 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> >> dsi1 wrote:
> >> >
> >> > My guess is that it's typical for persons of an advanced age to play it safe and stick with what they know. Let me assure you that I've never been one to be afraid of messing up.
> >>
> >> Dammit dsi1, there you go guessing about others again. lol.
> >> Granted, people do tend to resist change and stick to the good
> >> ol' things but not all.
> >>
> >> If I find a recipe or method that I absolutely love, yes....I'll
> >> repeat it exactly. If it ain't broke, no need to fix it.
> >>
> >> That said, I also like experimenting with new food tastes.
> >
> >Old people will resist change more than younger. If we stick to the rfc-verse, that's certainly true. There are people here that still believe that NNTP servers and Windows is the only correct way to access newsgroups. That blows my mind. As far as I know, NNTP and Windows was never a good ol' thing.
> >
> >In my case, I was never interested in sticking with the good ol' thing. Once I learned to cook a dish, I stopped making it. I like to get something that's broke and then learn how to fix it. At the moment, I have to fix my guitar, ceiling fans, and car. Oh boy. 
> You have your work cut out for you with Google Groups. Good luck!
In the future, everybody is going to be using Google Groups - yoose guys just don't know it. Well, not yet anyway, but soon you will. Hee hee.