Thread: Parsley
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Default Parsley

On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 20:17:32 +1000, Bruce >

>On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 03:05:05 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:
>>On Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 5:03:52 PM UTC-4, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2019-04-11 2:04 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>> > On 4/11/2019 12:15 AM, graham wrote:
>>> >> On 2019-04-10 9:39 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>> >>> On 4/10/2019 9:52 PM, wrote:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>> Boy, howdy!* Cilantro may be green but it certainly doesn't taste
>>> >>>> anything
>>> >>>> like parsley.* Nasty stuff to me; as Ina Garten says about cilantro
>>> >>>> "not
>>> >>>> now, not ever."
>>> >>>>
>>> >>> I'm one of those people who thinks cilantro tastes like soap.* So no
>>> >>> way amd I going to add chopped (or dried) cilantro to anything.
>>> >>> Parsley is a whole different thing.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Jill
>>> >> While I agree with you about cilantro, parsley to me has never been
>>> >> more than a decorative herb, its flavour so inconsequential that
>>> >> drying it would be a waste of time.
>>> >> There must be genetic markers to match up with people's likes and
>>> >> dislikes of some herbs just as some lack the gene to smell asparagus pee.
>>> >
>>> > ROFL!* I haven't heard about asparagus pee in decades.
>>> Really? I thought that it was an annual topic here, usually starting at
>>> this time of year because of the approaching asparagus season.
>>> > Sorry, but I
>>> > don't sit around sniffing my urine, I just get up and flush the toilet.
>>> > Never noticed a smell after eating asparagus.
>>> You usually don't have to go out of your way to smell it. Apparently
>>> everyone's pee develops that smell when they eat asparagus, but some
>>> people lack the ability to smell it. I wonder if there is a correlation
>>> between being able to smell asparagus pea and cilantro tasting like soap.

>>Apparently not. I can smell asparagus pee and I love cilantro.
>>It does have a vaguely "soapy" flavor, and when I first encountered it
>>I didn't much like it. Repeated exposure fixed that.

>Sometimes one is aware that a flavour is strange, but one appreciates
>it anyway. In my case that applies to cilantro and liquorice, for

Cilantro tastes like Ivory soap to me... if cilantro tasted like
liquor ice I'd love it. I happen to love licorice, I used to be a
Sen-Sen addict. Most dentists used Sen-Sen, Lavoris, or both.