On 4/12/2019 5:48 PM, cshenk wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
>> On 4/11/2019 6:28 PM, heyjoe wrote:
>>> On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 18:41:55 -0400
>>> in Message-ID: >
>>> jmcquown > wrote :
>>>> On 4/11/2019 4:33 PM, heyjoe wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 11 Apr 2019 17:12:19 -0400
>>>>> in Message-ID: >
>>>>> jmcquown > wrote :
>>>>>> No one likes Google Groups.
>>>>> Clearly that's not the case - look at all the folks that post
>>>>> in RFC exclusively from Goggle Groups.
>>>> All the folks?
>>> There's at least 10 regulars that always post from Goggle Groups.
>>> And a couple of them are quite proliferous posters.
>> Probably true but I know for a fact many of the regulars can't stand
>> the Google interface. I'm one of them. 
>> Jill
> I'm just fine with it if they don't mess up the trimming and quote
> enough so we can tell what is going on.
Agreed! Some of the Google users can't be bothered to quote, so often
times the replies make no sense to readers having no point of reference.
I've noticed posts from Google often get broken or disconnected from
the original thread, too.
The other problem is that's where most of the SPAM originates. Idiots
trolling for dates, for example. That's another reason Google fails as
a newsreader. There's no way in Google to delete crap like that in
Google. Me, I can just hit the delete key and boom! The post is gone.
If it's a repetitive troller it's easy enough to set up a quick filter.
And of course, there are the Google Groupers who can't seem to read the
date on a post before they reply. They don't quote and they're replying
to something posted 20 years ago. Leaves the rest of us scratching our
heads, what are you talking about? LOL