"U.S. Janet B." wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> >I've never had anyone run their cart into my ankles. I sure as hell
> >wouldn't do it to someone on purpose, not even if they steadfastly
> >refused to move after being asked. I can't imagine that scenario.
> >(Watch; next time I go shopping it will happen! LOL )
> I'm so pleased for you. I've had my ankles rammed a couple of times
> in the last 2,3 months. But, of course, Gary says I'm making it up.
Don't be so defensive. I didn't single you out specifically. Just
that once this talk started, everyone started writing about how
it seems to happen all the time and epidemic
cart ramming and rude shoppers. Do all the cart-rammers also wear
turbans? I would be nice to those fellows. A turban might be a
clue, ya know.
Again. I've never had a cart rammed into me. Anyone blocking an
aisle will move immediately along with a "Sorry" if I ask them
Moral of this story: If you say your prayers every night and go
to church every Sunday - when you die, you'll go to Virginia.