On 4/13/2019 8:38 AM, Gary wrote:
> "U.S. Janet B." wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> I've never had anyone run their cart into my ankles. I sure as hell
>>> wouldn't do it to someone on purpose, not even if they steadfastly
>>> refused to move after being asked. I can't imagine that scenario.
>>> (Watch; next time I go shopping it will happen! LOL )
>> I'm so pleased for you. I've had my ankles rammed a couple of times
>> in the last 2,3 months. But, of course, Gary says I'm making it up.
> Don't be so defensive. I didn't single you out specifically. Just
> that once this talk started, everyone started writing about how
> it seems to happen all the time and everywhere...like epidemic
> cart ramming and rude shoppers. Do all the cart-rammers also wear
> turbans? I would be nice to those fellows. A turban might be a
> clue, ya know.
> Again. I've never had a cart rammed into me. Anyone blocking an
> aisle will move immediately along with a "Sorry" if I ask them
> to.
> Moral of this story: If you say your prayers every night and go
> to church every Sunday - when you die, you'll go to Virginia.
> :-D
LOL More than one person mentioned the cart ramming thing (I think it
started with Dave, actually) so no, you weren't singling anyone out.
Moral of the store story: when you die you'll wind up shopping at Publix
in Beaufort, SC.