On 2019-04-13 8:31 p.m., Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> It sounds to me like there are rude and inconsiderate shoppers all
>> over the planet.Â* Some posters seem to encounter it more than others.
>> It must boil down to demographics.
>> Jill
> Right, rude people exist everywhere but not are all rude.Â* Some just
> seem to zone out and don't realize they are blocking the aisle or that
> there are other people in the store.
> WalMart seems to attract more of the inconsiderate though.Â* Just look at
> the carts left all over the parking lot, by far more than other stores.
I don't know if it is the store or the location. The times I had people
putting their stuff on the moving conveyor before I finished unloading
my cart was in a Zehrs store. That was also where the old lady kept
bumping into my heals. Similar things happened in a Food Basics, a
discount grocery. The fat lady blocking the choke point in an aisle was
in a different discount grocery in the same city. We have a Food Basics
in our town where the customers are quite civilized.
One incident was definite rudeness and not a matter of being zone out. I
was third in line an an express checkout to pay for my box of
strawberries and there were several more line up behind me.The front guy
was paying so I am almost there, and a woman stepped in front of me and
put her item on the conveyor in front of my berries. Excuse me! She
said that she only had one item and she was in a hurry. Well I had one
item and I was in a hurry. It was the express checkout and the people
behind each had only a few things. This was a nice looking, nicely
dressed women, not a Walmart shopper. That was simply rudeness and