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Bob (this one)
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Mr. Wizard wrote:

> "Dave Urring" > wrote in message
> .net...
>>Let's see....The folks here love to eat and cook and shop and
>>post on the Usenet, surf the Web, and watch TV, from what I've
>>been able to see.
>>None of those things burn a lot of calories, but all this
>>eating sure takes a lot of them in.
>>Let's have everyone post their weight and height here, shall
>>we, along with their age and diet-style and how many times
>>a year they go to the doctor.
>>I'll kick things off:
>>Height: 5'10
>>Weight: 163
>>Age: 54yrs
>>Diet-Style: Pure Vegetarian.
>>Doctor-Trips/Year: None
>>Your turn:

> What about body type. Should we include that?

Yes. And how you feel about walks along the beach on warm summer
nights, puppies, and people who are conceited...
