On 4/20/2019 12:57 PM, rosie wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 2:14:38 PM UTC-5, Sheldon wrote:
>> Peach is gone. She hadn't eaten in four days. Vet said her heart was
>> barely functioning. Her kidneys were loaded with polyps. Her
>> intestines were totally blocked. She had a very good life for 17
>> years but it was her time, she was suffering, we put her down. We
>> rescued Peach and Blackie from a NYC trash can, they were newborns
>> with umbilical cords attached, in a plastic bag.... it was winter,
>> freezing cold... some heartless animal threw them away. The nurse
>> at my wife's work wrapped them in a heating pad. We nursed them back
>> to health. At home Jilly mothered them.
>> Peach: https://postimg.cc/hXJV5qGq
> she had a long happy life. you could not do more
He did his best and she was happy.