When did glazed zisha become en vogue. It's been a while but mine are
unglazed. Even my generic red terracotta pots are unglazed. If
someone is selling me glazed zisha I'd suspect the origin. I know
Chinese pottery paint has lead but that is normally glazed over making
safe for use. You can have a glaze with Chinese paint on top and that
is an absolute no-no for use only decorative.
"Falky foo" > wrote in message > ...
> Those were glazed zisha cups.. I'd avoid glazed ware from China and India.
> "Alex Chaihorsky" > wrote in message
> .. .
> > Recently it was found that Hong Kong Consumer counsul that some Chinse
> Zisha
> > cracle-glazed teaware contacins dangerous amounts of lead.
> > Beware.
> >
> > http://www.consumer.org.hk/website/w...ases/p242.html
> >
> > Sasha.