Free Prius
Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2019-04-28 9:56 a.m., Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> > In the same conversation that he was touting renewable energy and
> > reducing emissions, de Blasio also defended his use of a gas-guzzling
> > SUV for his daily 11-mile trips from Gracie Mansion to his Brooklyn gym.
> That reminded me of a conversation in a gym locker room where a young
> guy hassled and older fellow who said he had flown out to BC for a
> wedding. The young guy whined that it was unsustainable for people to
> fly that far for an event like that. The older guy said that they did
> more than just the wedding. They made a vacation of it and stayed out
> there for a couple weeks.
> Meanwhile... the younger guy who had complained takes 15 minute showers,
> takes one towel in with him and uses it for a body scrubber, grabs 2-3
> more towels to dry off and then douses himself with about half a can of
> spray deodorant (provided by the Y.... he would not use that much if he
> was paying for it). He lives less than a mile from the Y but drives
> there in a large car, even on nice days when he would ride a bike or
> walk to his workout.
yawn. Humans are the problem on earth. You do just as bad
yourself as we all do. We all want to "save the earth" but not
give up any luxuries. silly talk from even the best of us.