Red Beams and Rice
Gary wrote:
> songbird wrote:
>> we do eat meat at times
>> but it isn't often we cook it here at home. when
>> i do i have to wash the pan two or three times to
>> remove the rancid smell that comes from it.
> Now that comment strikes me as odd. Have to wash the pan
> 2-3 times to remove the rancid smell? Do you use soap?
yes we do have soap/degreaser. a cast iron pan should
not be scrubbed so severely tho. the other pans i wash
once to get the bulk of the gunk off and then the 2nd
time to finish. once in a while the 3rd time is after
a wash of bleach solution.
> Also....."rancid?" Are you buying fresh meat?
fresh meat smells ok, the wrapping stuff can smell
after a few minutes when thrown in the trash. sometimes
i rinse it with the soapy water from doing the dishes
so it doesn't reek so bad. i keep old ziplock bags
handy for throwing things away in or for double or
triple wrapping to put in the fridge. i've found this
past year i can use some short squat wide mouthed jars
for putting burgers in and they seal well enough i
don't hear complaints. washed once glass usually will
not hold the rancid smell (plastic things do).
> If fresh meat leaves a rancid smell, I'm suprised that
> you eat meat at all. ;-O
it is only after cooking so it is something going
on with the fats and heat which is giving that smell.
wash it a few times and it becomes faint enough that
it will then air out enough for me not to notice it
unless i stick my nose right up close to the pan.
after i wash the iron frying pan i recoat it with
a little oil to keep it from rusting.
the other pans we use once in a while we rinse
them with bleach solution to deodorize them and
remove some stains, then i wash them again.
if you have never been a vegetarian for long you
will not even notice this smell in most cases. if
you stop cooking meat/seafood at home you'll begin
to notice it eventually if your nose is sensitive
enough. i think both of us are extra sensitive
because we react to a lot of things otherwise too
(like very faint amounts of smoke).