Dinner Tonight: Salmon patties
Bruce wrote:
> Just wait until McDonalds introduces the McSalmon Burger.
Even cheap McDonalds isn't stupid enough to try to sell
fish sandwiches with bones in. Notice the current fish sandwiches
are boneless.
Bone-in salmon started last century when, with no refrigeration,
canned salmon was a big hit. The original companies, decided to
cook the salmon, bones and all, just to save labor and money.
First time salmon for many so they accepted the bone crap. Tiad.
So very tiad!
Tradition holds though so modern idiots will still buy it.
The few times I buy canned salmon, I'll pay more for the small
boneless cans. No odd recipe with chips either...make them just
like you make crab cakes for a good meal.
In my worthless opinion though, only good salmon is fresh
BONELESS salmon steaks. Good eats. Let the "trailer trash" of the
world eat bones and all from a can. Tightwads willing to eat
cheaper. lol
Remember: Everyone loves Jill's meals.