Dinner Tonight: Salmon patties
On Sun, 12 May 2019 12:00:34 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 5/12/2019 11:48 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>>> Just wait until McDonalds introduces the McSalmon Burger.
>> Even cheap McDonalds isn't stupid enough to try to sell
>> fish sandwiches with bones in.
>Salmon patties don't have bones in them. You remove the bones before
>mashing the salmon with the other ingredients. DUH.
The bones in canned salmon are very easy to remove but some eat them
for their nutritional value. MY first wife who could barely boil
water managed a very good canned salmon loaf that employed cottage
cheese... I'm sorry I never got that recipe. She had no problem
picking the bones out.
>> boneless cans. No odd recipe with chips either...make them just
>> like you make crab cakes for a good meal.
>Shoot it down without trying it.
>> Remember: Everyone loves Jill's meals.
>Remember: no one has a clue what Gary actually cooks other than split
>pea soup.
Gary only cooks what he can stuff into a crockpot. hehe