Dinner Tonight: Salmon patties
On Sun, 12 May 2019 21:02:28 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 5/12/2019 8:57 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2019-05-12 8:42 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 5/12/2019 8:13 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>> Bruce wrote:
>>>>> In my worthless opinion though, only good salmon is fresh
>>>>> BONELESS salmon steaks. Good eats. Let the "trailer trash" of the
>>>>> world eat bones and all from a can. Tightwads willing to eat
>>>>> cheaper. lol
>>>> Nothing wrong with cooked salmon bones in the can. They are so soft
>>>> that if you bite into one you probably would not even notice.
>>> In Bruce's worthless opinion (he said it!),
>> Don't judge him harshly. He is right about that.
>>> the last fish patties/burgers he made used canned mackerel.* Want to
>>> talk about trailer trash?* Canned mackerel ranks right up there. IMHO
>>> and YMMV.
>> I am not a fan of mackerel. I worked for a while as a sea mammal trainer
>> and started my work day cutting up hundreds of pounds of the Spanish
>> Mackerel to feed to the critters.* If I walk into a fish store and there
>> is mackerel I can smell it over the other aromas.
>>> When I drain the canned salmon I do pick out the bones.* It's easy
>>> enough to do with a fork.* But I don't freak out over it if there are
>>> a few of the very soft bones still in there when I mash the salmon.
>>> Pick those out with a fork, too.
>> My mother used to remove them but when I was a teen I learned from a
>> friend that the do not need to be removed, that you can just press them
>> lightly with a fork and they disintegrate.
>>> The recipe is very tasty even without the crushed corn chips.
>>> Normally I just use a little flour to help bind the mixture together
>>> with the egg and minced onion, sometimes minced bell pepper, salt &
>>> pepper.* The sour cream if I have some or mayonnaise if I don't.* I
>>> usually don't have sour cream so I use mayo.* Either way, they're
>>> quite tasty.
>> Salmon patties should be on my to cook list. I love salmon. I consider
>> canned salmon to be a different but similarly good thing.
>I'm not trying to push salmon patties on anyone. Like them, don't like
But you don't extend that noble attitude to the humble mackerel patty.
Like those and you're trailer trash.
>All I did was post about what I made for dinner and how I made
>them. Terribly sorry it was about *food* and *cooking*. I've got no
>idea why it led to a discussionabout whether or not I steam or lightly
>salt anything. Note: I didn't steam the salmon patties. LOL Might as
>well complain about the oil I use to pan fry them. Or pan frying, for
>that matter. Heh.
Do you oil the pan lightly before you fry the patties?