On Sun, 12 May 2019 21:28:42 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 5/12/2019 9:04 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 2019-05-12 6:42 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>>> When I drain the canned salmon I do pick out the bones.* It's easy
>>> enough to do with a fork.
>> Then I eat them!! Even as a child I thought the texture of these little
>> morsels were worth seeking out:-)
>I never really thought about them. Mom's recipe said to pick out the
>small round bones so I did. But I don't freak out if there are a few
>left in. They're so very soft when they are mashed I never really
>notice. Extra calcium, actually! Gary just wants to pick on me today.
>I don't really care what he thinks about what I cook and eat. I love
>salmon patties. 
Tell Gary that there are no bones in Big Macs... it's 100% Mystery
Meat... likely not even meat, more at mystery compost. I seriously
doubt that Gary has ever eaten real beef.
I only once bought a golden arches burger for 19¢. took one taste,
spit it out and tossed the rest in the trash... never did it again.
Nowadays I can buy top round at $3.99 /lb, USDA Choice, trim and grind
it myself... 1/4 pounders at at about $1 each... but no mystery meat,
I know exactly what/who is in it. We prefer 12 oz burgers.
Unfortunately just like there are no more Jewish delis there are no
more Jewish bakeries either, or I'd prefer my burger on a real onion
roll. There are no more real Kaiser rolls either, now they are all
machine made and not at all crusty, they are like a McDs burger bun,
mushy soft and tasteless, and undersized. A real Kaiser roll could
easily accomodate a 12 ounce burger. A real Kaiser roll could easily
accomodate a Double DD burger.