Dinner Tonight: Salmon patties
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Dinner Tonight: Salmon patties
On Sun, 12 May 2019 22:41:56 -0400,
>On Mon, 13 May 2019 12:29:55 +1000, Bruce >
>>On Sun, 12 May 2019 22:19:57 -0400,
>>>Tell Gary that there are no bones in Big Macs... it's 100% Mystery
>>>Meat... likely not even meat, more at mystery compost. I seriously
>>>doubt that Gary has ever eaten real beef.
>>>I only once bought a golden arches burger for 19¢. took one taste,
>>>spit it out and tossed the rest in the trash... never did it again.
>>>Nowadays I can buy top round at $3.99 /lb, USDA Choice, trim and grind
>>>it myself... 1/4 pounders at at about $1 each... but no mystery meat,
>>>I know exactly what/who is in it. We prefer 12 oz burgers.
>>>Unfortunately just like there are no more Jewish delis there are no
>>>more Jewish bakeries either, or I'd prefer my burger on a real onion
>>>roll. There are no more real Kaiser rolls either, now they are all
>>>machine made and not at all crusty, they are like a McDs burger bun,
>>>mushy soft and tasteless, and undersized. A real Kaiser roll could
>>>easily accomodate a 12 ounce burger. A real Kaiser roll could easily
>>>accomodate a Double DD burger.
>>You forgot to say schmear or schlepp.
>A schmear refers to cream cheese... schlepp is to carry.
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