"Impossible" burger.
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tert in seattle
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"Impossible" burger.
>"tert in seattle" > wrote in message
>>>On 2019-05-10 3:35 p.m., Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Fri, 10 May 2019 07:46:50 -0600, notbob wrote:
>>>>>> Has anyone, here, tried the new "Impossible" burger?
>>>>>> I didn't realize the significance of it, thinking it was only the name
>>>>>> of a new type of meat burger that had become "trendy".
>>>>> You mean, like, from a new kind of animal?
>>>>>> Now, I realize
>>>>>> it is actually a new "veggie" burger outta Silly-Con Valley that
>>>>>> promises to revolutionize the beef industry.
>>>>> Has any new veggie burger "revolutionized the beef industry"?A And
>>>>> why would it?A It might have a .001% effect on the "ground beef
>>>>> industry", but I don't exactly see anyone shaking in their boots
>>>>> when it costs $4/more per pound at the restaurant level.
>>>>> BTW, the other one is "Beyond Meat".A I forget which one is which,
>>>>> but they both "feed" each other in terms of marketing and awareness
>>>>> and awareness.
>>>>> The only thing this they both do is make it clear that Vegetarians
>>>>> Want Meat.A Vegetarians NEED meat.A Vegetarians should JUST EAT
>>>>> MEAT!
>>>>> -ww
>>>> Angela wanted to try the Beyond burger. She liked the first couple of
>>>> bites then threw it down and said it was disgusting.
>>>Wow. That is really amazing. She liked the first couple of bites but
>>>then threw it down and said that it was disgusting. What exactly was it
>>>that turned it from something good to something disgusting in just a
>>>couple bites?
>> it was kind of like that for me with that hot pocket except the part
>> about liking the first two bites
>Heh. I'm the same with Pop Tarts. I can eat a frosted cherry one if nothing
>else is available but the others? Ick.
the Trader Joes cherry pomegranate pop tarts are pretty good
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tert in seattle
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