Red Beams and Rice
Gary wrote:
> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >
> > Gary wrote:
> > > Only seafood gone bad smells like fish.
> >
> > What does seafood not gone bad smell like? Roses?
> >
> > Of course seafood smells like fish. When I'm done
> > grilling salmon my clothing smells like grilled salmon.
> Old stuff then, Cindy. Fresh seafood of any kind has no smell at
> all. Certainly won't make your clothes smell. That's silly. If
> you smell fish, you are using too long dead seafood. Not kidding.
> Fresh is the answer. You kill a live anything then immediately
> cook and no smell...ever.
Close but not entirely. There are some types that have a stong aroma
when fresh. Mackeral comes ot mind.