DIY buttermilk
On Tue, 14 May 2019 12:51:45 -0500, heyjoe wrote:
> On Tue, 14 May 2019 11:14:10 -0600
> in Message-ID: >
> notbob > wrote :
>> I recall a thread on RFC about buttermilk. Essentially, it sed that
>> making one's own buttermilk (BM) was simply a matter of adding some BM
>> to some regular milk and freezing it. Yes? No?
> Pretty much. Details from Epicurious,
> <>
Except for this part:
"Sadly, the supermarket stuff is "eh" at best. So we make our own."
Total bullshit. Where are you getting that milk and cultured
buttermilk? Buttermilk is best done right under controlled
conditions. Warm place for 24-36 hours?
The only advantage to making your own is making it from full fat or
2% milk, which is not really "buttermilk" in any sense.