On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 2:52:54 PM UTC-5, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 14 May 2019 10:29:03 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> > I always added vinegar to milk to make buttermilk as I don't have lemons on
> > hand all the time. But commercial buttermilk will last your refrigerator
> > for a very, very, very, very looooooong time.
> Cream, yes (usually ultra-pasteurized). But I'm probably not the
> only one that doesn't agree with you or whatghisface that buttermilk
> and [organic] full fat milk will last longer than 2 weeks.
Disagreeing again. Yes, full fat or low fat buttermilk will last in your
refrigerator for an e.x.c.e.e.d.i.n.g.l.y looooooooong time.
> Th higher the fat content, the more perishable it is. Except for
> cultured buttermilk. It's processed further at warm temperatures
> after being pasteurized. Making it the most perishable of all.
> Full fat and 2% is stamped 2 weeks out. I open within 3 days of
> manufacture. It typically lasts util the stamp date if I open it at
> least once a day and optionally chug out of the bottle most days.
> Buttermilk, a quart will be opened and one glass poured, then will
> sit in the fridge and be bad within 7 days. No chugging, no opening
> every day. If I can get to it int tie, I'll freeze it in ice cube
> trays to make cole slaw, curry, fried chicken (almost never), etc.
> But its no good for drinking as it separates (I despise buttermilk
> anyway - Thick, sour, gross)
> -sw
I guarantee that commercial buttermilk, no matter the fat content, will last
unbelievably a VERY, VERY, VERY long time in your 'frig. I always give it
a hardy shake before using. It looks, smells, and tastes like a brand new,
fresh carton straight from your grocery store.