In article >,
(Dan Abel) wrote:
> So for those of you who hate cell phones in restaurants, would they be OK
> if people used a normal voice?
More so. The other part of it is the ringing, though. If it were on
vibrate, so nobody else had to hear it that would be better. I also
feel for their companions, because they are being ignored so this person
can have a (usually) trivial phone conversation. Even if the ringer
were off, and the person were speaking in a normal tone, I would be
offended if s/he answered every call and ignored me to talk about
idiotic things throughout dinner. Rich has one for work, and he
silences it when we are out, keeps it on vibrate, it's the batphone for
emergencies, so he does sometimes have to answer it, but he checks the
number first, and unless it is one of a few key numbers, he lets them
leave a message so he can call back afterward. When we're at church or
bible study or something like that, he turns it off. He would not sit
there and yap on the phone while we were out at dinner.
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