Corned Beef
Ed Pawlowski wrote in response to some blithering cretin:
> Not sure what you want to improve that will change wages for the average
> person. I controlled mine by education, hard work, doing a good job.
Exactly, and one should not aim to be "average", but strive to "excel" - which is what you and countless millions have managed to do in order to be successful in life...
Just this week five peeps I know got hired for good manufacturing jobs, they are starting at $19.00 - $23.00/hour, plus good bennies/overtime and such.. Some of these folks will enter apprenticeships (Pipefitters...), etc...even though all were new to manufacturing, they all got *multiple* offers...Illannoy alone has *25,000* vacancies for skilled manufacturing jobs...
Until very recently they were unemployed, doing shit menial jobs, or just released from prison even...they got free short - term manufacturing skills trainings and worked like hell to get ahead. They are on the road to a solid middle - class life of asset - building and financial more food stamps, Medicaid, WIC, having to report to "social workers" ("social workers" I consider enabling >>>>>--- PARASITES ---<<<<<) or other handouts for them, they will pay their own way through life and be "productive members of society" as the auld saying goes...
To those who think they are "owed" a "living", my reply is "No one owes you ****..." - and the above - mentioned people will tell you the same thing....
One of my hobbies (or "obssessions", lol) is the economic history of the old Soviet Bloc states, specifically the former "German Democratic Repbublic" aka East Germany, which was considered the "showcase of socialism". Those who pine for "equality" would be wise to study the histories of those vanished states, what Bernie and OAC and their lot are pushing is the exact same failed "socialist" policies that brought the old Soviet Bloc states and the USSR to ruin...or look at present - day Cuba*, DPRK or Venezuela...
[*Cuba just tightened their food rations, the government announced "We will strive to have enough cooking oil - one cup per week - for our citizens..." LOL...!!! ]
> We are not a perfect nation, but wage and price controls have not worked
> well anywhere. Our tax code needs major overhaul though.