On 5/18/2019 6:15 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, May 17, 2019 at 5:39:43 PM UTC-4, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 5/17/2019 5:11 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> On Fri, 17 May 2019 17:08:46 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>> On 5/17/2019 4:44 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>>>> When I graduated high school the minimum was was $1.55. Adjusted for
>>>>>>> inflation, today it would be $10.41 Obviously, many states did not keep
>>>>>>> up.
>>>>>>> If you've been in the workforce for a number of years, plug in some
>>>>>>> numbers to see how well you've fared over the years.
>>>>>>> https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm
>>>>>> over the past 40 years most people working in the U.S. have seen no
>>>>>> increase in pay after accounting for inflation
>>>>> Meanwhile, the fat cats were getting fatter. You guys need Sanders
>>>>> bad.
>>>> The President controls wages? I did not know that.
>>> Sanders and others who think like him, at all levels. A change of
>>> regime.
>> OK, Socialist would control wages
> Don't you think it's a little odd that executives in other countries
> can get by on something like 20 times the average wage at their
> company while U.S. executives get something like 400-500 times the
> median wage?
> Cindy Hamilton
It is wrong. How would you change it? Make a law?
It seems to have gotten worse starting about the 1980s when CEO
compensation was a game of one upsmanship. The board of directors has to
approve that sort of thing too. Stock holders also have a say but
choose to ignore it. Start writing to the board of directors if you own
stock in a company.
We also pay crazy sums of money to celebrities and athletes too. What
gets me, when a pitcher signs a multi-million $ contract, Joe Sixpack
will say something like "but he's worth it"
In a small way I do my part. I don't go to movies or pro sporting
events. I see no reason to support them. I did go to a hockey game
last night. Championship game between two teams of 9 to 12 year olds.
It was a damned fun game to watch, those kids are pretty good.