One time on Usenet, "Kswck" > said:
> "sandy" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Besides doing dishes,,,,I wonder what you use your dishwasher for? This
> > spring I put all the blades & covers of house fans in it,,,,and they came
> > spotless....
> > Any more ideas?
> Hmm, let's see. You can sterilize canning jars, clean combs of that muck in
> the corners, raise bread. Mmmm, What else?
I've heard (and this is certainly on topic for this group) that
you can cook in the dishwasher. IIRC, you're supposed to wrap a
fish with spices and lemon in foil, tightly! Place on the top rack.
I've never tried it myself, tho...
J.J. in WA ~ mom, vid gamer, novice cook ~
"I rule you!" - Travis of the Cosmos, ATHF
(COLD to HOT for e-mail)