On Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 12:48:39 PM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> We had a spring treat with our supper tonight.... fiddle heads. They are
> only available for short time each spring, so we have to grab them when
> we see them, knowing that it may be the only chance of the year.
> My wife looked after dinner while I was out burning brush and mowing the
> lawn. I had marinated chicken breasts in olive oil, lemon juice, oregano
> and lots of chopped garlic. She cooked them along with some home fries.
I had a salad of fern shoots recently. It's quite the delicacy. The one I had had some onions and tomatoes and some raw seafood. The shoots here are different from the ones on the mainland - they are cooked in boiling water for only about a minute, then they're drained and cooled in ice water. The crispy warabi is served with a sesame oil dressing. I don't make this salad because I can't ever find them for sale.