Supper tonight.... fiddleheads
On 2019-05-23 9:05 a.m., jmcquown wrote:
> On 5/22/2019 6:51 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> We had a spring treat with our supper tonight.... fiddle heads. They
>> are only available for short time each spring, so we have to grab them
>> when we see them, knowing that it may be the only chance of the year.
>> My wife looked after dinner while I was out burning brush and mowing
>> the lawn. I had marinated chicken breasts in olive oil, lemon juice,
>> oregano and lots of chopped garlic. She cooked them along with some
>> home fries.
> Oooh!Â* I like fiddleheads!Â* A couple of decades ago a former RFC poster
> who lived in Maine shipped some to me after he and his son picked an
> abundance of them.Â* IIRC they tasted a little bit like asparagus.
They do taste a bit like asparagus. If you like asparagus who will
likely enjoy fiddle heads. If you don't like asparagus you should
probably not bother. I am in a bit of a bind. I like both. Both come
out at the same time of the year. They taste a lot alike.Fiddleheads
cost at least twice as much per pound as asparagus and they are dense
little things, so a couple small servings of them will cost more than a
pound of asparagus. Asparagus wins on price.