French Onion Tart
On 2019-05-28 1:20 p.m., jmcquown wrote:
>> They look good enough to eat.
> Looks good to me, too.Â* Sometimes snacky-food is best for gatherings.
I discovered the ultimate snacky-food a month or two ago. My son was on
his way to our place and would be passing a particular pizzeria and
asked if I would like him to pick up a facaccia sandwich for lunch.
Sure. I had no idea what he meant, but said yes. It turned out that this
place takes a party pizza size faccacia bread, splits it in half, puts
layers of cold cuts, cheese and shredded lettuce with dressing, lays the
top back on and cuts it up into squares.
They only sell the individual sandwiches at noon but you can order a
whole sheet.... about twice the cost of a party tray pizza, but a much
better deal. I was telling a friend about it, and having grown up in
that city, he knew about it and said he and his wife often buy a whole
one when entertaining a crowd.