On Tue, 28 May 2019 09:04:03 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Bruce wrote:
>> wrote:
>> >Why settle for mystery meat burgers, why can't you grind fresh... look
>> >embarrassed! We're having the rest of the sliced London broil, Bush's
>> >chili beans, and a fancy schmancy tossed salad with like twenty
>> >ingredients, with a squeezed fresh lemon, EVOO, and seasonings
>> >dressing. Later Bryer's butter pecan. I'll nurse a 2ni, she'll nurse
>> >a rum n' coke.
>> Why do people have a glass of rust remover with their dinner?
>Any adult beverage with a meal makes a crappy meal taste better.
Note that Sheldon also eats mystery ice cream rather than
>making his own. He's one to talk.
I've rarely made my own at home, premium commercial ice creams are
leagues ahead of most homemade... people who make their own simply
won't admit that what they made from scratch was a waste of
ingredients. apremium ice crea ms have a far better texture than home
made from cheapo machines. I used to make tons of ice cream aboard
ship, sometimes it was great, but just as often was no better than
cheap store bought, but was always better than the alternative in the
middle of an ocean, none. We had all the flavorings and plenty of
cream but other than apples fresh fruit was scarce. But chocolate,
vanilla, coconut, coffee, strawberry (frozen), and a few others were
hits. I had a machine that churned out five gallons an hour so I ran
it all night while I was baking... never any complaints. Canned
mandarin orange was the Captain's favorite, was excellent with
chocolare syrup... orange and chocolate is a marraige made in heaven.