On 2019-06-04, Janet > wrote:
> Using the slice, just flip some of the hot fat in the pan across the
> top of the egg until the white sets. The heat of the fat cooks it then
> the fat runs off again.
Not being from UK, ain't sure what "the slice" is, but Janet got the
rest correct.
USA translation: Gotta hava lotta fat (butter, bacon grease, veg oil) in pan
with egg. One of my cooking mentors usta use a large spoon to "flip
some of the hot fat", from the pan, up onto the top of the egg. The
"hot fat" would make the white and the yolk cook. The "white" would
cook faster than the yolk and it would make for a nice "sunnyside-up"
egg. The "white" would cook ("set") and the yolk would still be
runny. HTH.