"Bubbabob" > wrote in message
. 3.30...
> >
> Here in NM, we use the 'Big Jim' variety for rellenos. They're quite
> large and thick walled. Good flavor but not particularly hot (for a New
> Mexican, anyway). For red chile, the best we have is Chimayo, which is an
> heirloom pepper from northern NM. Hatch is a good green chile but
> indifferent once it ripens. 'Sandia A' is a local hybrid favorite, red or
> green, but probably too hot for anyone outside of the state.
> Anaheims descend from NM peppers but had the flavor and heat bred out of
> them for the California market back in 1920 or so. I would never use them
> for anything.
I'll disagree on the anaheim thing, but shout out a big Amen! on the subject
of Chimayo chiles. They are try a top shelf pick for red.