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  #115 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >, Ranee
> Mueller > wrote:
>>In article >,
(Dan Abel) wrote:
>>>So for those of you who hate cell phones in restaurants, would they be OK
>>>if people used a normal voice?

>> More so. The other part of it is the ringing, though. If it were on
>>vibrate, so nobody else had to hear it that would be better. I also
>>feel for their companions, because they are being ignored so this person
>>can have a (usually) trivial phone conversation. Even if the ringer
>>were off, and the person were speaking in a normal tone, I would be
>>offended if s/he answered every call and ignored me to talk about
>>idiotic things throughout dinner.

> I certainly agree with your last comment. However, I've read a whole lot
> of complaints about cell phones in restaurants on this group, but every
> single complaint involved somebody at another table, and not one single
> complaint involved a person at their own table. Coincidence?

It just means we have uncommonly sophisticated dinner companions. Not
like *those* people at that other table. ;-)
