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songbird songbird is offline
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Default Asian/Thai ideas?

Julie Bove wrote:
> I may have to get this stuff online. Have never seen the leaves in a store
> but then I never looked for them. Do you use dried or fresh?

fresh, but you can leave them out or use some lime
juice instead or a little lime zest. they're different
than keffir leaves but still acceptable IMO.

> I do see some
> curry that is GF online.

i've not seen any that weren't. not many spice
blends include gluten.

> What kind of coconut milk? The canned kind or the
> box?

i have always used canned. i don't even know what
you mean by box. i'd assume that coconut milk in a
box would still be liquid and taste the same.

> Not sure how I would season this though. I could not do it by taste.

how did you do the Pad Thai? if you aren't going
to eat it you'd have to ask the person who would
be eating it what their preference might be and
that may give you answers.

> This is something I would not be willing to taste. We had a Thai neighbor in
> CA. She had parties almost weekly. Only thing she made that I liked was some
> kind of corn fritters. Probably not the right name for them. But that's what
> they looked like.

you don't like hot or spicy foods?
